Beijing is massive. It can be the most daunting thing to open up a real estate website and see a list of 500+ suburbs to choose from. In this article, we will share with you the knowledge you need to navigate the intimidating world of Beijing accommodations as well as point you in the direction of some superb tools to make the process a lot easier.
There are a lot of red flags you will need to learn how to spot, and there are certain questions you simply must ask before you sign a contract. The advice in this article is intended to help both total rookies and experienced renters, because even long-term expats can fall into various traps and pitfalls in Beijing’s crazy property market.
Written by a Beijing expat of 16 years with three years of experience working at a real estate firm in the Big Jing, we hope this article will equip you with everything you need to confidently make this transition to your new home a successful and painless operation.